- Awarded the Dean’s Award from the Faculty of Bio-Sciences for Academic Excellence in the MS program (Soil and Environmental Sciences), Awarding institution: University of Barishal, Bangladesh
- Awarded National Science and Technology (NST) Fellowship for the academic year 2021-22 to conduct my MS Thesis at the department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Barishal, Awarding institution: Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

- Achieved Dean’s Award from the Faculty of Bio-Sciences based on an extraordinary performance in the BS examination of 2020, Awarding institution: University of Barishal, Bangladesh
- Awarded Certificate of appreciation for the invaluable contribution as a speaker for the online academic colloquium with the theme: Social Impacts of Issues on Irresponsible Land Use, Awarding institution: Graduate School of Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Philippines
- Awarded Certificate of Participation in the “Bangladesh Youth Fest 2016” Idea Presentation, Awarding institution: Bangladesh Brand Forum